Service Description
24mm 1,6 CF 3 FT 35mm T1,4 CF 3 FT / 55mm T1.4 CF 3 FT / 85mm T1,4 CF 3 FT / 200mm 2.3 MACRO ANAMORPHIC CF 5FT One of our most special set. This Cineovision Anamorphic set has the unique charm of combining the characteristic of the anamorphic format with the well known warm nice look of the Canon K35 lenses. The 55 mm is one of the most superb and sharp lens when shooting wide open and all together this a very hard to come by set of rare anamorphics with probaby the best sensor coverage these days. Our set is also complemented with the amazing 200mm macro TODD AO lens designed in Hollywood but handmade in Japan. This lens one of best anamorphic lenses from the 1980's has inside a Cooke lens which without a doubt has the characteristics of that warm, sexy and beautiful cooke classic look and matches very well with our Cineovision lenses. It is worth mention that while it produces images with great sharpness, all of these lenses also inherited the beautiful flare from their k35 pedigree and the addition of this 200m telephoto is not only a great long lens but also a handy macro anamorphic lens! It provides a similar expressive quality to the image of the K35 anamorphics but with a slight sharper image. This set is probably the best antidote for today's ultra high resolution video sensors and definitely helps create a unique and much more filmic look.

Contact Details
538 Monte Vista Ave, Glendale, US-CA 91202, USA